iz botaničnega vrta zavoda Raznolikost


from Raznolikost botanical garden

Vse rastline in semena gojimo na SONARAVEN način, BREZ uporabe strupov ali umetnih gnojil !

Katalog je urejen po abecedi po nedvoumnih latinskih imenih.


We grow all plants and seeds ORGANICALLY, WITHOUT chemicals or artificial fertilisers !

This catalog is arranged alfabetically by unambigous latin names.

Minimalno naročilo je 1 zavojček.

Navodila za setev so priložena!

Pri nakupu 3 enakih zavojčkov vam četrtega podarimo!

10% POPUST pri nakupu nad 50 €.

Poštnina za Slovenijo je 3 € za vsakih 10 zavojčkov semen.

Semena so sveža, nabrana v našem vrtu v sezoni 2010.

Zbirke vsebujejo mnogo vrst, katerih semen naberemo premalo, da bi jih bilo smiselno ponuditi samostojno.

Minimum order is 1 packet.

Sowing instructions included!

Buy 3 packets of the same species, get 1 free!

10% DISCOUNT for purchase over 50 €.

Email me your wish list to calculate shipping cost.

Seeds are fresh, collected from our garden in the 2010 season.

Collections contain many species of which we gather too little seed to offer separately.

Ali je rastlina v Sloveniji prezimna?

Preberite si o sistemu USDA zone . Pri vsaki vrsti, ki jo ponujamo je navedena njena minimalna USDA zona.

Naročite preko emaila Order by email

Is this plant winter hardy where I live?

Please take a look at the explanation of USDA zone system. The minimum zones are listed for each species we offer.

Katalog semen nabran v zavodu Raznolikost je urejen po abecednem vrstnem redu po LATINSKIH imenih. V kolikor (latinskega) imena iskane rastline ne poznate, so ob opisih in slovenskih imenih tudi sličice, lahko pa me pokličete na 040 121 370 (delavniki od 10 - 17 h), pošljete email ali uporabite brskalnik. Uživajte in prebrskajte katalog, gotovo boste našli veliko zanimivih rastlino.

Zavod Raznolikost's seed catalog is arranged alphabetically by the plant's LATIN names. In case you don't know the latin name of the plant you're looking for, pictures are acompanying the descriptions and latin names, and you can allways send me an email or use the browser. Enjoy porousing the catalog, I'm sure you'll find many interesting plants.

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Sejanje - kako naj posejem to seme? Preberite članek Semena: pobiranje, shranjevanje in sejanje v rubriki 'Članki', najdete ga na tej povezavi.

Garantiramo, da nobeno seme v ponudbi ni GSO ali F1 hibrid. Vse naše rastline oprašijo čebele in druge žuželke, nekaterim pa moramo pomagati s čopičem, saj v Sloveniji ni primernih opraševalcev. Semena so vzgojena popolnoma sonaravno in NISO tretirana z kemikalijami. Kaljivost in zdravje semen sta zagotovljena samo z pravinim pobiranjem, čiščenjem in hranjenjem semen.


Sowing - how do I sow these seeds? Read the article Seeds: collecting, storing and sowing in 'Articles', to find it follow this link.

We guarantee that no seed on offer is a GSO or an F1 hybrid. All our plants are open pollinated by bees and other insects, however we do have to help some plants along with a brush as Slovenia lacks suitable pollinators. Seeds are totally co-naturally sourced and are NOT treated with chemicals. Viability and health of the seeds are insured only by suitable methods of collecting, cleaning and storing.

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